
Name: Charlette (Child) Evens
Age: 1.3
Date of Birth: In the year -1 PM (Pre Man)
Species/Breed: Rabbit/Unknown
Hair Color: White fur, no hair.
Eye color: Blue
Job: Protecter and Queen
Best Friends: Roger
Favorite Pastime: Remembering the 'before' time, learning from Roger.
Favorite Thing: Her inner peace.
Background: One day as the little cherub was taking care of some of her many tasks, a new mother rabbit was creating life.. in exchange for her own. She had been much too young, and most of the litter had perished. The angel became especially devoted to the only surviver, whom she named 'Child' and spent most of her time teaching her everything she knew. Sadly, the metamorphosis had erased most of her memories, but still.. ever so often she could feel a warm embrase or a loving hand on her shoulder.. even when no one else was in the room.
Personality: Child.. err.. Charlette has a warm heart and is very meek, though sometimes she wonders if Roger truely is the messenger of God. Still, he was her husband and distant memories told her she needed to honor her husband.. But.. where she learned such a thing she has no clue.
Quote: "I don't ever remember having parents, but, I never remember feeling lonely or unloved."