
Name: Danielle Chippinwood
Age: Around 5
Date of Birth: In the year 1 PM (Pre Man)
Species/Breed: Squirrel.
Hair Color: Brownish Red
Eye color: Green
Job: Gatherer
Best Friends: Chic and Jenna.
Favorite Pastime: Making up poetry (Though it rhymes better when spoken in Squirrel.)
Favorite Thing: Jenna.
Background: Once one of the prettiest squirrels, Danielle's transformation left her not as appealing to others of her species as she had been before, but blessed with a good soul, Danielle is still very popular among 'Us'. When her Uncle was murdered and no one wanted to claim Jenna, she allowed the little girl to live with her.
Personality: Although she was quite a social creature, her true friends could be count on one paw. Her hyper and seemingly eternal cheeriness earn her not only popularity.. but a way to keep those who would take her for granted away. Perhaps that's why she felt such pity for the girl that the whole world hated.. because very few people were willing to get to truly know Danielle, either.
Quote: "Don't worry! Every tall tree has it's acorns. So sharpen your teeth and dig in!"