
Name: Jenna Star
Age: 3
Date of Birth: In the year 4 AM (After Man)
Species/Breed: Squirrel and Bear hybrid.
Hair Color: Blue.
Eye color: Violet
Job: Gatherer
Best Friends: Danielle and her invisible fiend.
Favorite Pastime: Doesn't seem to have one.
Favorite Thing: Her Space Man doll her dad made her.
Background: Little is known about what had happened to Mr. and Mrs. Star that day, for the world they lived in was just developing.. and with no witnesses other than a three year old who can't speak.. rumors outweigh fact. She was taken in by her father's niece, Danielle soon after the murder.
Personality: Shut off from most people, she's developed an almost cold demeanor.. One only Danielle can chip through just long enough to earn a faint smile.
Quote: "..."