The Angel

Name: .. I plead the 5th!
Age: .. Uhhh..
Date of Birth: Technically.. she hasn't been born..
Sign: .. The Cross?
Blood Type: I dunno if they have blood..
Hair Color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Job: Special Assignment Cherub
Best Friends: God, All the animals on the planet.. but especially the young rabbit Child.
Favorite Pastime: Teaching Child, tending to the needs of others.. also watching fish swim.
Favorite Thing: Her sea foam halo, though it's known to pop at times.
Background: Background: During the banishment of Adam and Eve, God called forth for his Cherubim to guard Eden, and all his servants came. One, that he had fashioned rather recently, seemed so taken by the creatures that he pitied the poor thing, instead sending them to a new planet to live out their lives.
Personality: Just as a typical Cherubim, she has a wonderful heart and does her best to serve the Lord in any way she can.. though this causes trouble when she feels one of the Man creatures praying for help while lost in space.
Quote: "Just as your mother is now in God's loving hands, my Child, I'll hold you always in my heart"